Ages From 16 To 20


The program objectives, activities and associated outcomes for ALS clients are in large part tailored by the uniqueness of our clients. ALS serves an older population, ages 16 to 20 that have been adjudicated delinquent or dependent, many of whom are unable to return to their homes; therefore ALS clients are required to obtain the skills necessary to become independent by the time the Court’s jurisdiction concludes.

The primary objective of ALS is to develop a positive community culture for each of its facilities. In doing so, ALS clients are required to advance their competencies in the areas of pro-social skills and emotional and behavioral stability in an ongoing effort to become productive members of society. ALS is committed to aiding their clients in advancing their skills and competencies in the five principal domains of pro-social skills, moral reasoning, academic or vocational prophecies, workforce development and independent living skills.

The anticipated outcome for ALS clients is to achieve the skills necessary to become an independent and productive member of society.

Program Services

Housing, room and board – ALS operates transitional living and supervised independent facilities for young adults all of which are separately licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.

ALS believes that a client’s family is an important part of their development into adulthood. Upon admissions, families are encouraged to participate in the development of the Individual Service Plan (ISP). Depending on a client’s progress and track, the client’s family may be called upon for providing home visits for the client and as a resource upon release. Family units who seek support in the reunification process will be assisted by the clinical director. For youth without a family resource, ALS encourages the formation of permanent connections in their lives.